Environmental engineering is the one of most challenging area of general
engineering, because of its complexity, applicability and interdisciplinary.
Environmental problems and issues are driven by different forces interested in
sustainable development of society. The main goals of the Conference are:
- to facilitate direct discussions and versatile cooperation between
researchers from Lithuanian and foreign science and education institutions,
engineers, representatives of industry and municipalities;
- to bring together potential partners for successful, long-term and
continuous cooperation on environmental engineering;
- to discuss further directions of the applied research development and
to implement state-of-the-art researches in practice.
The 9th International Conference Environmental Engineering continues twenty years
long tradition. This Conference is organized by Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Academy
of Sustainable Development, Federation of European Heating and Air-Conditioning
Associations, International Federation of Surveyors, Baltic Road Association,
International Association of Public Transport, International Academy of Ecological
and Life Protection Science, Lithuanian Water Suppliers Association, European
Spatial Planning Observation Network.
The first International conference Environmental Engineering was held on
September 22–23, 1994. In later conferences, which took place in 1996, 1998,
2000, 2002, 2005, 2008 and2011 the number of participating researches and also
the number of participating countries continuously increased. In the Fifth
Conference (2002) it was decided to organize further conferences every three years.
The ninth International Conference Environmental Engineering was held on May 22–23, 2014.
The most relevant scientific and practical problems of environmental engineering were
analysed during these conferences, which became traditional.
At the 9th conference researches from 20 countries has presented their reports in the
six sections.
1. Environmental Protection:
The research and evaluation of environmental (atmosphere, water, soil)
quality. Environmental technologies. The application of mathematical simulation.
Pollution prevention. Sustainable development. Climate change. Indoor environment.
Renewable energy sources. Waste management. Environmental impact assessment.
Environmental monitoring. The investigations of physical pollution (noise, vibration,
electromagnetic fields, ionizing radiation). Environmental plasma technologies.
2.Water Engineering:
Drinking water quality and treatment. Wastewater treatment and sludge
utilization. Modeling of water and wastewater networks, leakage/infiltration control.
Water management economy. Protection of water resources and monitoring. Water management.
Hydraulic calculations and modeling. Hydrotechnical structures. Hydropower.
3. Sustainable Urban Development:
Evaluation and simulation of city development. GIS application in
territory planning. Solution impact assessment in economical, social and ecological
aspects. Sustainable living environment. Arrangement of open spaces. Urban transport
systems, evaluation, development and infrastructure. Mobility management. Public transport,
benchmarking in public transport. Evaluation of transport impact on environment.
4. Roads and Railways:
Modernisation of network roads and railways; Designing of roads
and railways. Constructing and repairing of roads and railways. Maintenance of roads
and railways. Reliability of roads and railways. Roads traffic safety.
5. Technologies of Geodesy and Cadastre:
Mapping technologies. Studies and measurements of Earth’s shape.
Geodetic networks. Monitoring and application of the permanent GPS stations.
Land management and Real Estate Cadastre.
6. Energy for Buildings:
Energy generation and supply: heat sources and CHP plants, district
heating network, gas network. Sustainable building services: energy saving and heat
retention, HVAC systems, integrated HVAC design. Indoor climate: indoor air quality,
air distribution, cost effects and benefits of good IAQ. Business and equipment for
building: company or equipment presentation, management of HVAC services.
Before the Conference, 284 abstracts and articles were selected from 317
applications by the International Scientific Committee. All the papers were reviewed
by foreign and Lithuanian researchers. The significant and original articles were
published as full-page in the electronically CD-ROM of Conference.Published papers
will also be sent to Thomson Reuters Conference Proceeding Citation Index (ISI)
for possible indexing.
We express our gratitude to the members of the International Scientific Committee
for their significant support in organizing the Conference and for reviewing the
papers of the participants. We are also grateful to the all reviewers as well as to
the participants of the Conference, the author’s of presented papers and for all the
interesting and significant information that resulted from the Conference.
Prof. Dr. D. Cygas, Lithuania.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. R. Vaiskunaite, Lithuania.