Board of Reviewers
1. Environmental Protection
2. Water Engineering
3. Sustainable Urban Development
4. Roads and Railways
5. Technologies of Geodesy and Cadastre
6. Energy for Buildings
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eISSN 2029-7092 online
eISBN 978-609-457-640-9
ISBN 978-609-457-690-4 CD
Technologies of Geodesy and Cadastre

Jakub Kalita, Zofia Rzepecka, Izabela Szuman-Kalita

The application of Precise Point Positioning in Geosciences

Conference Information: 9th International Conference “Environmental Engineering”, 22–23 May 2014, Vilnius, LITHUANIA
Source: ICEE-2014 - International Conference on Environmental Engineering
Book Series: International Conference on Environmental Engineering (ICEE) Selected papers
ISSN: eISSN 2029-7092 online
ISBN: eISBN 978-609-457-640-9
ISBN: ISBN 978-609-457-690-4 CD
Year: 2014
Publisher: Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Press Technika

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Precise Point Positioning (PPP), an absolute positioning method, is an alternative for conventional relative positioning. Currently the PPP accuracy, is on the level of few-centimetres for static and decimetre for kinematic positioning respectively. However, long convergence time of PPP results is observed. The main goal of this paper is to estimate the accuracy and convergence time when using PPP, and to compare the results with those obtained by other authors. The idea, model and expected accuracy of PPP is discussed in first part of the paper. Adding GLONASS, using method of real-time and using only single frequency are analysed in the frame of recent publications. Numerical analysis is based on gLAB, open source desktop software written in C. Analysis was performed for globally distributed set of 25 stations with observation period of 50 consecutive days, enough to produce statistically relevant results. Analysis of convergence time was done for accuracies between 10 cm and 1 cm. Statistical analysis of accuracy is performed for observation time between 24 h and 1 h. Both statistical parameters and convergence times for different accuracy reveal exponential nature. Considering observation period of 4 hours, few-centimeter convergence may be expected with no significant biases observed. At current state the method overtakes relative positioning in areas where networks of reference stations are not established. The PPP technique may be attractive not only in geodesy, thus, the application possibility in geosciences is analyzed in context of the results.

Keywords:Precise Point Positioning; Geosciences; convergence time; accuracy analysis

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