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1. Environmental Protection
2. Water Engineering
3. Sustainable Urban Development
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5. Technologies of Geodesy and Cadastre
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ISSN 2029-7092 online
ISBN 978-609-457-690-4 CD
ISBN 978-609-457-640-9
 Water Engineering

Andrius Litvinaitis, Lina Bagdžiūnaitė-Litvinaitienė, Elvyra Šinkovič

Land Use Influence on Water Pollution: the Research of Šalčia River Catchment

Conference Information: 9th International Conference on Environmental Engineering, MAY 22-24, 2014 Vilnius, LITHUANIA
Source: ICEE-2014 - International Conference on Environmental Engineering
Book Series: International Conference on Environmental Engineering (ICEE) Selected papers
ISSN: ISSN 2029-7092 online
ISBN: 978-609-457-640-9 / 978-609-457-690-4 CD
Year: 2014
Publisher: Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Press Technika

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This paper examines Šalčia river water pollution, there were selected 24 water sampling points where was detected concentration of these nutrients: ammonium nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen, pH, and total phosphorus. Samples were collected starting from the source of the river, to the mouth of the river, near the Merkys. Points selected according to the land use (catchment is dominated by forests (52,7%) that have great economic value and nature protection, lower part of the catchment area takes arable land (42,4%)) and affluents so that the analysis of the results obtained during the experimental helped to determine factors leading to the maximum river water pollution. According to the data obtained there was found ecological status of the river.

Keywords: anthropogenic activities; nutrients; strength; field investigations; point pollution; diffuse pollution.

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