Board of Reviewers
1. Environmental Protection
2. Water Engineering
3. Sustainable Urban Development
4. Roads and Railways
5. Technologies of Geodesy and Cadastre
6. Energy for Buildings
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ISSN 2029-7092 online
ISBN 978-609-457-690-4 CD
ISBN 978-609-457-640-9
 Environmental Protection

Justina Danilenkaitė, Egidijus Petraitis

The numerical simulation of curved flue flow in multi-channel spiral cyclone

Conference Information: 9th International Conference on Environmental Engineering, MAY 22-23, 2014 Vilnius, LITHUANIA
Source: ICEE-2014 - International Conference on Environmental Engineering
Book Series: International Conference on Environmental Engineering (ICEE) Selected papers
ISSN: ISSN 2029-7092 online
ISBN: 978-609-457-640-9 / 978-609-457-690-4 CD
Year: 2014
Publisher: Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Press Technika

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The present gas aerodynamics of multichannel spiral cyclone with a tangential inlet of experimental investigation and numerical simulation. Overview of the experimental and theoretical works such cyclones, which are particularly complex turbulent flow. The numerical flow simulation of curved movement in multichannel spiral cyclone, whose height – 0.80 m, 0.33 m diameter, spiral-cylindrical part height – 0,098 meters cone – 0.45 m inlet dimensions (cylindrical part on the side) in accordance with the drawings is axb = 28×95 mm. Modeling the use of inlet velocity: 5.1 m/s. Performed the comparative analysis of numerical simulations using “Phoenics” and “ANSYS” software.

Keywords: spiral cyclone; solids; numerical modeling; curved flow.

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